Town Council Q&A About Super Storm Sandy

There was a Town Council Meeting on December 21, 2012 in which a number of questions were asked and answered. To vie the Q&A click here or read below

Questions Town Council Meeting – Friday, December 21, 2012

Q: How long will the Township be accepting sand at the South end of Holgate?
A: At least two more weeks. At that time, the effort will be reevaluated.

Q: Will the Township continue to pick-up the debris? The Bobcat consolidated the debris at the south end today but no truck came to pick it up.
A: No debris will be picked up during the Holiday week. The Clean-up will resume on January 2nd to pick up any debris remaining. No additional debris should be put out as of today.

Q: Many residents think that the hazardous waste items that they are being placed in front of their homes will be picked up by the Township. What arrangements are being made and what should residents do? I went to the Ocean County Hazardous Waste Disposal site. They would only take paint cans that had an original label on them. Most other materials I had to bring back home.
A: The Township has started picking up the hazardous materials and will be getting to it.

Q: Is the south end parking lot, including the bathrooms, going to be rebuilt?
A: Yes, initially it may not be paved due to lack of resources.

Q: Will W Cleveland Avenue remain a dead end street?
A: It might not be.

Q: Will our beaches in Holgate be replenished? Starting when? How many ocean front owners still need to sign easements? Will the names be made public? Will the township/state now use eminent domain to seize the homes of the holdouts?
A: There are five (5) unsigned easements as of today. They are 4803, 4801, 4405, 4303 and 4209. There is a bill in the US Senate to provide funds to address the issues caused by super storm Sandy. Some of the money being requested is to be allocated for beach replenishment for Long Beach Island. There will be a finite period of time to utilize the allocated funds or they will be lost. In other words, it is imperative to get the remaining 5 easements signed.

Q: What can we do as a community organization to help the Township with rebuilding? The disaster also presents us with the opportunity to make improvements. Improvements to the community that the Association can recommend as the rebuilding process is underway ie, parking lot, beach access, ways to better protect the community from future storms in addition to beach replenishment – what else
can be done?, etc.
A: Put our suggestions together and they will take a look at them.