Opening Remarks – Saturday, June 27, 2015
Firstly, I want to thank you all for being here today and being part of the Holgate Taxpayers’ Association and actively demonstrating your support for your community. I want to thank those of you who actively participate in our scheduled activities. This coming year we do need some volunteers who can care for the new plantings we will complete in the parking lot and the Bond’s Park. Until the plants take root, we need some volunteers to keep them watered and weeded. If you live close to those locations, we really need your help.
Introduce Board of Directors and Trustees
- Daniel S. Macone President
- Tom Beaty 1 st VP
- Ted Stiles 2 nd VP
- Bill Cannon Treasurer
- Marianne Hurley Recording Secretary
- Yanni Kaloudis Corresponding Secretary
- Al Callese
- Bill Hutson
- Eileen Bowker
- Bob White
- Frank Lowry
- Lucille Benedetti
- Rand Pearsall
Over this past year, the Association has worked on several initiatives and I am pleased to say that several have been realized. First, the signs along the boulevard indicating the proper direction of travel for pedestrians and bicyclists have been installed. Second, working with the County and the Township, a stop sign has now been installed at the intersection of McKinley and S. Long Beach Blvd. This is a good safety improvement. Following last year’s spring membership meeting, we contacted
the County and got information about its land conservation program. Subsequently, letters were sent to the owner of the Rosemma – Beck property to see if they were interested in participating in the conservation program. Since December, we have been working with the residents at the west end of Janet Road and the Township to try to make some changes to the design of the new pump station so that a look more conducive to the characteristics of the surrounding area would be used.
The Holgate Taxpayers’ Association is determined to make a difference for our community. Together we will accomplish more.