Stockton University’s Coastal Research Center Presentation

This is Stockton University’s Coastal Research Center Presentation by Dr. Stewart Farrell, PhD regarding the United States Army Corps of Engineer’s Study concerning Back Bay Flooding and the Construction of the new Terminal Groin in Holgate (Replacement of the Wooden Jetty). It was presented to Holgate residents on Thursday, September 6th at the Long Beach Township Marine Education Field Station at 127 Osborn Avenue. Click on the link below to view the presentation

LBI Taxpayer Association Talk

Holgate Beach Erosion – Urgent

As you may know, despite multiple replenishments and truckloads of sand, the erosion of the beaches at the south end of Holgate is becoming critical. Beach entrances are closed; some beaches were not open for swimming this summer; the dunes are being carved away; homes will be endangered.

The Township and Mayor Mancini have been fighting for a new terminal groin to replace the wooden jetty. This groin is intended to greatly slow the erosion of sand and to stabilize the beach.

The Holgate Taxpayers Association is calling on all stakeholders (Homeowners, Businesses, Visitors, etc.) to immediately contact the Army Corps of Engineers District Engineer, James Boyer, at the following address and support Mayor Mancini’s request to have our groin permit moved up to an “A#1 Priority”:

District Engineer, James Boyer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District
Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East
Phone Number – 215-656-5826

Failure to act now means Holgate may not get the groin built this year and the south end will be at greater risk to the winter storms. If the situation worsens, we can expect a negative impact on property values and rental prospects for next year.

Rentals, motel reservations and home values have already suffered this year. If homes are damaged this winter, the economic impact will not be limited to Holgate and would likely start to affect the entire island.

Please send your letter today; all letters must be received by September 12 to have a chance to influence this important decision. We have included a sample letter below that you are free to use or edit as needed. If you have factual information such as cancellations letters from your renters due to the lack of a beach or loss of business statistics relative to prior seasons etc. , you should include this information. In addition, an aerial view of the beaches taken this summer by Bucks County Drones on July 9, 2018, is attached which dramatically depicts the present and deteriorating situation. If you have any questions, you can contact me or attend the Coastal Research Center presentation on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Long Beach Township Marine Field Station at 127 Osborn Avenue in Holgate.

Thank you!

Dan Macone
President, Holgate Taxpayers Association

Sample Letter – Letter to USACE September 1, 2018