February Update

For those of us happy to have 2020 in the rearview mirror, 2021 shapes up to be just as challenging albeit in different ways. To meet these challenges head-on, we would like to get all new and renewed memberships in early this year. This will save us time/money on follow-ups while allowing more resources to be devoted to the following impending issues. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Membership Form Link: Sign up!

Beaches: Beaches 3 and 4 have been hit very hard. From the pictures sent to me, at least half of the replenished dune is gone. While this means the dunes are doing their job to protect our homes, this protection is eroding. The Township has been great about plowing sand back up to the dune but the entrances are unusable due to the cliffs. Unfortunately, the Army Corps has rejected a request for emergency replenishment so we are on our own for now and will hope for a natural replenishment in the Spring.

Windmills: The HTA is working with the Joint Council of Taxpayers Association of LBI on this important development. There is a lack of information and some of it is incorrect. The JCTA has compiled a lengthy Q&A with Atlantic Shores, the company that holds the lease to build the wind farms. Key issues are visibility, impact on local fishing and cost (higher electric rates). Please at least skim through the Q&A: Windmills Q&A and the Latest Sandpaper Article

Coyotes: There are news reports that Barnegat Light has begun a trapping program. While some believe this is just a matter of sharing the island with these animals, others are concerned about the risks posed by what is considered to be an invasive species. Since they have been heard in Holgate too, be sure to seal your garbage, don’t put out food for cats, keep dogs on a leash and most important be very aware when outside with small children. While coyotes are generally thought to be afraid of humans, it is important to take every precaution.

Trash Ordinance: Speaking of garbage, the Township has approved the first reading of an ordinance (21-07C) that will affect how we put out trash and recyclables. We share their frustration with people who leave the lids off their cans or who put out bags next to the cans. But if passed on March 1, the new ordinance will require you to put trash out no earlier than 6:30pm the night before pickup. This means storing more trash in your home, garage or behind your house. We believe this not only increases unsanitary conditions in the home (think of garbage in the garage when we get to 90 degree weeks) but will also attract animals (coyotes, raccoons, mice, etc.) where our children go in and out of the house. We would rather see more enforcement of existing fines for improper trash handling. Please email your viewpoints before February 26 to:

Kyle Ominski, Township Administrator: ominski@longbeachtownship.com
Danielle La Valle, Township Clerk: dlavalle@longbeachtownship.com

Sign Ordinance: Also approved on first reading is a new ordinance (21-04C) that will eliminate the various “For Rent” signs placed in front of homes. The rationale is these have proliferated and are largely unnecessary with the shift to online listings. These signs can still be placed in windows.

Trustee Resignation: Eileen Bowker notified me that she has resigned as trustee in the HTA. I asked if she wanted a few days to reconsider and she subsequently confirmed her decision due to having many projects on her plate, such as Bowkers Deli, the purchase of the Holiday Snack Bar, her position on the local school board, and volunteer activities including those with St. Francis Church. As a result, the HTA Board has accepted her resignation with regret and is thankful for her many contributions to Holgate as a long-time trustee.

Dune Plantings: 2021 will be a huge push for the largest dune planting in our history. This is because of the continued erosion of the dunes and the added cost of water when the meters go into effect in 2022. We ask everyone to consider volunteering to plant this Spring.

Support the Food Pantry and Local Restaurants: We expect the demand for food will continue among local families who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. Please continue to donate to the Food Pantry at St. Francis while also supporting our local restaurants which are likely LBI’s largest source of employment. Food Pantry Link

On behalf of the HTA trustees, we are looking forward to seeing everyone this Spring after we’ve all hopefully received our vaccinations.