January 2024 Newsletter

HTA January 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to 2024 and we wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year! T=
here has been a lot of activity since our November newsletter so let’s jump right in.

January Recap

1. Beach Conditions – Replenishment
2. HTA Membership for 2024
3. LBT Cost-Saving Measures
4. Christmas Tree Pickup
5. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate
6. Tunes By The Dunes 2024
7. Dune Grass Planting
8. Clam Cove Grant
9. Town-wide Yard Sale Dates
10. New Children=E2=80=99s Playground Equipment
11. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations
12. 2024 Water/Sewer Rates
13. Wind Farm Update
14. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
15. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
16. LBI Foundation Science Saturdays
17. Save the Dates


1. Beach Conditions

* Recent storms have continued to erode the dunes in southern Holgate. The Township remains committed to bulldozing sand back up to the dunes during blow-out tides.
* On a positive note, LBI is now first on the Army Corps list for replenishment projects. This is expected to go out for bid this Spring with a projected timeframe for replenishment in the Fall. There is concern that the co=
st of the needed sand is much greater than the allocated Federal funds.
* There is no news about potential State and Federal approvals of the planned groins to better retain our sand.

2. HTA Membership for 2024

* It would be a great help to us if you would renew your membership early in 2024. Not only will this assure your continued receipt of our newsletters and other breaking news communications, you will save our Board members a tremendous amount of time that can be put to other productive activities on your behalf.
* Please sign up online now at: Membership.

3. LBT Cost-Saving Measures

* The Township is continuing to make great strides in saving money as contractor bids are coming in much higher than in the past. Township personnel are already repairing street-end bulkheads and water mains with great success. Next up is the re-siding of the Municipal Building by Township staff. Considerable cost-savings (6 figures) are expected to result.

4. Christmas Tree Pickup

* If the pine needles are falling in your home, the Township will pick up your tree. Please call Public Works at 609-361-6676 to schedule.

5. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate

* There is no update from NJDEP regarding what areas between the Tebco, Newport and Steven streets may be buildable. If you would like to join 200+ neighbors in taking a stand against further open space development in Holgate, please add your name to the letter to the NJDEP by contacting tebcowetland@gmail.com
* Please continue to remember we need the Township to be a willing partner in the protection of this land; it would be highly counterproductive for anyone to publicly speculate that the Township has any other motive.

6. Tunes By The Dunes 2024

* After a successful inaugural season last year, Thursday night Tunes By the Dunes will be back this Summer and musical artists have already been booked. Bring a lawn chair and be sure to tell your friends (and renters).

7. Dune Planting and Dune Grass

* Alliance for a Living Ocean (ALO) and The Surfrider Foundation conducted a second dune grass planting in Holgate on December 30 and we thank them again for supporting our dune preservation work.

8. Clam Cove Grant

* The Township received a grant to create a living shoreline in Clam Cove to better protect against further bay-side erosion.

9. Town-wide Yard Sales

* Saturday dates for these sales have been announced as May 25 and June 29. Rain dates will be the following day.

10. New Children’s Playground

* At the bay beach/tennis court location off Joan Road, the old playground equipment has been removed and new equipment is being installed; should be ready by this week (weather permitting).

11. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations

* At the request of the 6 LBT taxpayer associations, we will be meeting with the Mayor this week to get a preview of this year’s municipal budget. We appreciate this opportunity as it had not been offered in the past. The HTA’s focus will be on long-term, strategic issues that will impact the budget and our taxes.

12. 2024 Water and Sewer Rates

* After analysis of the 2023 data, the Township has indicated that rates are expected to remain the same in 2024.

13. Wind Farm Update

* While Orsted has announced the end of their involvement in the planned wind farms off Atlantic City, LBT is continuing with the lawsuit against the Atlantic Shores wind farm planned off LBI.
* The latest Wind Farm Updates (#19, 20) will be available shortly as we are in the middle of making some changes on the HTA website.

14. Relevant Ordinance Passed on Second Reading

* 23-25C This ordinance clarifies and amends the mixed-use zoning regulations in general commercial and marine commercial zones, specifically about parking and the square footage requirements for residential use.

* Adopted ordinances in the process of being incorporated in the Township’s code can be found here: https://ecode360.com/laws/LO1479

15. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading

* 24-01 NJ Division of Personnel requires that all municipal jobs must have an established salary range and each employee’s salary must fall within the appropriate range. Municipalities are annually required to pass an ordinance that states these ranges and includes any adjustments. This ordinance fulfills that requirement.

* First-reading ordinances are available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting. Find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at http://www.longbeachtownship.com/

16. LBI Foundation Science Saturdays

* Every Saturday from January 20 – April 20. Information about the sessions and no-fee registration at the LBIF Science website https://www.lbifound=ation.org/science . Environmental topics include:

  • Energy, – Not just wind but the blend
  • Sharing the ocean – So many uses!
  • What’s it like to live in the ocean? The challenges for sea creatures
  • The spectacular night sky and how to enjoy it
  • What’s up with the local NJ weather?
  • Screening a great film Deep Rising about extracting and sharing ocean resources

17. Save the Dates

* Next Commissioners meeting is Monday, Feb. 5 at 4pm in the LBT Courtroom.
* First Town-wide Yard Sale, Saturday, May 25 (permit required)
* HTA Spring Membership Meeting, Saturday, June 8, 10:00am
* Second Town-wide Yard Sale Saturday, June 29 (permit required)