Please view our Spring Newsletter and our 2013 Membership Form If you are not already a member, please seriously consider joining the HTA this year. In addition, since all the green head traps the Association had were destroyed as a result of Super storm Sandy, an additional fund devoted to replacing our inventory of traps is included on the membership form. We would appreciate your help in this regard. We are in the process of purchasing approximately 25 new traps and expect to be placing them in the marsh the weekend of May 18th. We are looking for volunteers to help place and bait the new traps. Next Saturday, May 4th, we will be working to clean-up 9 areas you all identified as needing work. Several groups including Helping Hands, ALO, Long Beach Township along with Bio Resources Solutions, Inc. and HTA members will be helping to clean up our community. This is a great opportunity to get involved in a worthy effort and meet your fellow “Holgaters”. A T-shirt and gloves will be provided at the beginning of the event and food and beverages at the end. So, if you are still thinking about participating, send us an e-mail and we will assign you to one of the work areas. Finally, we look forward to seeing everyone at our annual membership meeting with the Mayor and Commissioners on Saturday, June 1st at the Township Municipal Building. Here you have a platform to ask the leaders of the Township pertinent questions regarding the issues related to Holgate. Further, you can learn first hand about the projects that HTA is working on and you can also have input regarding future efforts. You may also want to think about becoming a member of the Board. Thanks again to all those who joined us at the Commissioners meeting on April 5th and helped plant dune grass on April 6th. Together we will accomplish more!