On Monday, December 4th we attended the Regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners. The following salient points were presented:
- The mobilization for the dredging of the Little Egg Inlet began the day after Thanksgiving. The project is expected to be completed by the end of March. The sand dredged from the Inlet will be used to replenish the beaches in southern Beach Haven and Holgate.
- The Terminal Groin redesign (wooden jetty) is still under review. The plan has now been sent to Stevens Institute of Technology for review before the permitting process can begin. The Mayor stated that there were two designs being considered. The first allows sand to pass under the structure and thus, requires a lot of maintenance. The second allows sand to pass over the top of the structure and the design allows some regulation of the amount of sand going over. The Mayor stated that the National Wildlife Refuge is requesting a certain amount of sand flow to the Refuge each year as it has been determined that the nesting of the Piping Plovers is increased when there is a receding shoreline. The bidding process for the new groin is not expected to occur until the Fall of 2018. The Taxpayers of Long Beach Township will possibly bear 25% of its cost.
- Mayor Mancini reported that Moody’s has upgraded the Township’s financial rating to AA1. This is the second highest rating and will allow the Township to borrow at the best possible rates.
- Bidding for the Janet Road Pump House rebuild will go out in January 2018 and the project is expected to be completed by the beginning of the summer. The stones around the area including the parking lot on the west side of the tennis courts will be changed to a white, 3/4″ crushed granite identical what has been used at the 68th street bay beach parking lot. The walking path from Janet to West will be made of crushed shells as was requested by the residents abutting the site.
- Commissioner Bayard reported that P&A Construction was repairing and re-paving the trenches that had been dug for the sewer and water projects over the last year. The longer term plan is to completely re-pave Long Beach Boulevard once the last water and sewer project is done. We also discussed the repair of the half dozen or so intersections of the Boulevard and side streets at the north end of Holgate. Since the County maintains the Boulevard and the Township maintains the side streets, getting this work accomplished is taking more time than. However, the Commissioner is working on it.