Several Holgate Taxpayers Association trustees attended the caucus and public meetings at the Township on Monday, June 4th. The following items were on the docket:
- The second reading of Ordinance 18-16C, regarding the issue of outdoor fire pits, was postponed until July 2, 2018. Essentially this ordinance revises the set backs from property lines and states that no fire device shall be located in any side yard or any area or lot fronting on a public street. Portable AND permanent devices must be a minimum of 5 feet from any structure and 10 feet from any property line. They both may not be under any part of a structure such as a deck or roof; the 5 foot minimum applies.
- Resolution 18-0604.13 was approved. The resolution approved free beach buggy permits and beach badges for active military and their families and for all veterans.
- Two additional buses have been purchased. This brings the total number to eight. Revenues received so far are $18,679 and the Township is looking for revenues of $200,000 to break even.
- The Gators start on June 16th.
- The County’s paper shredding day is on June 16th at the Stafford Township, Southern Ocean County Recycling Center Lot, 379 Haywood Road, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Water restrictions are in effect from June 1st through September 30th. Details can be found on the Long Beach Township website under the Water and Sewer Department.
- Mayor Mancini stated that 200 truckloads of sand will be brought in next week in an effort to repair the beaches at the south end of Holgate.