If you are concerned about, have been affected by or are just interested in the increasingly frequent and destructive damage caused by back bay flooding on LBI, you are invited to join other Holgate homeowners for a timely and informative presentation sponsored by the Holgate Taxpayers Association (HTA). The Speaker will be Dr. Stewart Farrell, PHD, Director, and Founder of Stockton University’s Coastal Research Center (CRC).
The meeting will be convened at the Long Beach Township temporary Marine Field Station on Osborn Avenue on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm. This same presentation was delivered on August 1, 2018 at the Town Hall and is featured in an August 8th article in the SandPaper entitled “LBI Homeowners, Stockton Scientists Talk Back Bay Flooding”.
The CRC also completed an environmental assessment and conceptual redesign of the Holgate terminal groin which had become ineffective in trapping sand and maintaining the position of the shoreline. The preferred design that was chosen by the project team is an impermeable groin that protects the beach/dune while allowing sand to bypass to the Refuge. All stakeholders recognize the urgency for the new groin construction and the Township has taken on emergency efforts to restore the beach until the goin project can be constructed. You will be able to learn more about the status of this critical project for our community.
If you plan on attending, I want to remind you that there is limited parking around the Field Station as there is no parking at the location or on Osborn Avenue. You will have to park on West Avenue or consider walking, bicycling or carpooling to the meeting.
Just a reminder, if you have not remitted your 2018 dues, please take this opportunity to add your name to our 2018 membership list. Attached is a membership form for your convenience. We thank you for your support. There is strength in numbers and the HTA is working with the Township to effect a solution to the beach erosion problem soon.