February Update

As usual, there is a lot going on even during the “quiet” winter months. Film lovers should be sure to see the special Lighthouse International Film Festival offer to HTA members listed below.

February Highlights

  1. Membership Renewals for 2022
  2. Call for New Trustees
  3. Beach Conditions
  4. Offshore Wind Updates
  5. LIFF Film Festival Discount Offer to HTA Members
  6. Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  7. Ordinances in Process after First Reading
  8. Coyotes
  9. Q1 Water and Sewer Bills
  10. Upcoming Events


  1. Membership Renewals: We’re off to a great start with a goal of 500 members this year (out of 800 households). If you’ve already submitted for 2022, thank you. If not, please consider sending your dues in soon. https://bit.ly/HTAMembership
  2. Call for New Trustees: We are very thankful to have had 6 members express interest in becoming a trustee, with 3 so far deciding to move forward and begin the nominating petition process. Remember, this requires a limited time commitment and you do not have to be retired or a full-time resident (most of us aren’t). Please respond to this email if you would like more information.
  3. Beach Conditions: Beaches continue to hold up better than expected for this time of year although there will be more storms. We are hopeful of approvals this Spring to extend the steel jetty and add 2-3 more jetties to the north. Construction would likely begin next Winter. Less positive news regarding future beach replenishment is LBI does not appear to be getting any Federal funding despite being scheduled for the work. The HTA is working with the JCTA (Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations) on a plan to convince Congress to fund this project.
  4. Offshore Wind Updates:
  5. The Federal government continues to move forward with plans to create wind turbine fields along the East Coast. Next up is the auction for the NY Bight field which sits between New Jersey and New York. Also a second lawsuit seeking a delay in the construction of the field off LBI was filed by a group representing local fishing concerns. The final link is a Sandpaper report of local government opposition to the project.

  6. LIFF Offer: Please see the special offer to HTA members at the end of this email. In summary, you can purchase a $150 All Access pass to the Lighthouse International Film Festival on June 1-5 Film for $120 and LIFF will also make a $10 donation to the HTA for each purchase. Deadline: March 10. A win-win for film lovers!
  7. Ordinances Passed Into Law on Second Reading: 22-02C authorizing microbreweries and craft distilleries was approved and the bulkhead ordinance was rescinded.
  8. Ordinances Moved on First Reading:
    • An ordinance was moved which would prohibit hot tubs, cabanas, kitchens, etc. on rooftop decks that are already at the maximum allowed height.
    • Bond ordinances were moved to Second Reading for construction of: handicapped bathrooms behind Town Hall; a small building to store gators and shuttles near the Acme; and basketball and pickleball courts at the site of the old M&M Steambar.
  9. Coyotes: They have been sighted again in several areas on LBI despite what had been an active trapping program in the last year. This suggests they may be here to stay and you should not attract them by putting out any food for other animals. And you should keep a close eye on small pets outside.
  10. Q1 Water and Sewer Bills: These were sent out 10 days ago so you should have received them in the mail.
  11. Upcoming Events:
    • Spring Clean-up as part of an Island-wide effort, Saturday, May 7, 9am-noon
    • Spring Dune Planting: May (specific date TBD)
    • Yard Sale: Saturday May 28 (rain date Sunday, May 29); permit required


    Covid Testing (from LBI Health Dept.): Go to https://lbihealth.com/covid-19-testing-resources/ to schedule an appointment for the vaccine or booster dose. First vaccine doses are offered for walk-in on Wednesdays from 9-12pm. Local resources are available for Long Beach Island residents who are homebound or with lack of internet access or computer literacy. Those who need assistance should call (609) 492-1212.



The Lighthouse International Film Festival brings an outstanding 4-day cinematic experience to LBI! This year we are supporting LIFF’s “Friends of the Lighthouse International Film Festival Program (“Friends of LIFF”). As part of this program, the Holgate Taxpayers Association is offering to our members an opportunity to purchase a LIFF 2022 ALL ACCESS PASS, at the reduced price of $120.

Additionally, for each discounted 2022 ALL ACCESS PASS purchased by our members, LIFF will donate $10 dollars to the HTA. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a world-class film festival and support the Holgate Taxpayers Association.

An LIFF ALL ACCESS PASS is your ticket to a 4-day cinematic experience on LBI. The 14th annual Lighthouse International Film Festival includes award-winning, independent films from around the world, 2 “Breakfast with the Filmmakers” events, master classes, panel discussions, and evening parties. ALL ACCESS PASS patrons also get priority entrance to films. This special discount expires on March 10, 2022, so make your purchase today and join the LIFF for amazing films, stimulating discussions, and fun on LBI.

It’s very simple to take advantage of this special offer. Just 6 easy steps to purchase your 2022 ALL ACCESS PASS:

  • Click here to purchase tickets Or copy and paste https://www.goelevent.com/LIFF/Pass/Sale/ALLACCESSPASS2022
  • Register/Sign In
  • Select number of passes and click “Add to Cart”
  • Click “Checkout”
  • On the Checkout page, you will be asked for your Discount Code. Type in “hta” (no capitals) and then click “Apply.” Your discount will appear in the Order Summary.
  • Type in your payment information and click “Complete Purchase.” If you have any questions or concerns please email – liffinfo@gmail.com