February 2024 Newsletter

HTA February 2024 Newsletter
Storms continue to hit our dunes hard but there is some consolation in knowing there will be replenishment this year.  
If you are on the Island this weekend, be sure to support the Beach Haven Fire Department by attending their turkey dinner fundraiser ($25 per person) from 12-8pm on Saturday (Feb 17).
February Recap

  1. Beach Conditions – Replenishment
  2. HTA Membership for 2024
  3. Child Caught in Sand Collapse
  4. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate
  5. Dune Planting
  6. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations
  7. Wind Farm Updates
  8. LBT Recycling Calendar
  9. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  10. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  11. Save the Dates


  1. Beach Conditions
  • The Township has been bulldozing sand back up to the dunes during blow-out tides.  However, we should not expect normal beach access at many entrances until much later in the Spring as future storms would undo much of the Township’s work.
  • LBI continues to be first on the Army Corps list for replenishment projects.  This may begin as early as late Summer although they are expected to start from the north end of LBI so it will hopefully not interfere with the summer season in Holgate.  We will continue to closely monitor this.
  • We remain frustrated with the lack of potential State and Federal approvals of the planned groins to better retain our sand.


  1. HTA Membership for 2024
  • Thank you for the members who have already joined in 2024.  For everyone else, please sign up now.  Not only will this ensure your continued receipt of our newsletters and other breaking news communications, you will save our Board members a tremendous amount of time that can be put to other productive activities on your behalf. Please sign up online at:  https://bit.ly/HTAMembership2024


  1. Child Caught in Sand Collapse
  • This occurred recently in Sea Girt but it remains a great fear for every Shore community including Holgate.  The child was dug out by his father and was quickly released from the hospital after an examination.  But when this happens, we are seconds away from tragedy.  Please instruct family, friends and renters to not dig deep holes and to stay away from the dunes at all times. https://bit.ly/SandCollapseOn2YearOld


  1. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate
  • There remains no update from NJDEP regarding what areas between the Tebco, Newport and Steven streets may be buildable.  If you would like to join 200+ neighbors in taking a stand against further open space development in Holgate, please add your name to the letter to the NJDEP by contacting  tebcowetland@gmail.com
  • Please continue to remember we need the Township to be a willing partner in the protection of this land; it would be highly counterproductive for anyone to publicly speculate that the Township has any other motive.  


  1. Dune Planting
  • Tentative date is set for the morning of Saturday, May 18 but we are awaiting confirmation that plants can be obtained by then.  
  • Important:  We can only plant where we have water sources.  If you are an oceanfront owner who lives next to a beach entrance, please respond to this email to volunteer access to your water so we can water for 4-6 weeks and get the roots established before summer.  We will reimburse you for the cost of the water.


  1. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations
  • At the request of the 6 LBT taxpayer associations, we met with the Mayor in January to get a preview of this year’s municipal budget.  We appreciated this opportunity and came away with the impression the Township is managing its finances well.  The HTA will continue to focus on long-term, strategic issues that will impact future budgets and our taxes. 
  • Rising cost of trash collection, insurance and pensions are all expected to adversely affect our taxes in the future.


  1. Wind Farm Updates
  • New Jersey officials approved two new offshore wind projects on [January 24], projects they expect will power 1.8 million homes across the state.  They will be located 40 miles off Atlantic City and 50 miles off Barnegat Light.
  • The latest Wind Farm Update (#21) features information on the new projects, the status of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Atlantic Shores project closest to LBI, and more.  This is now located in the passworded Member Access section of our website. 


  1. LBT Recycling Calendar 2024


  1. Relevant Ordinance Passed on Second Reading
  • 24-01.  NJ  Division of Personnel requires that all municipal jobs must have an established salary range and each employee’s salary must fall within the appropriate range. This ordinance fulfills that requirement.
  • Adopted ordinances in the process of being incorporated in the Township’s code can be found here:  https://ecode360.com/laws/LO1479


  1. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
  • 24-04.  Clarifies parking space requirements for new construction.  Essentially, each required space must have adequate ingress and egress to the street.
  • 24-05.  Establishes landscaping fees, requires construction permits for any plantings over 12 inches in height and increases the distance plantings must be from public roadways. 
  • 24-06.  Requires businesses to have insurance certifications and “Mercantile” licenses for commercial establishments with outdoor seating.
  • First-reading ordinances are supposed to be available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting.  If available, you can find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at  www.longbeachtownship.com


  1. Save the Dates
  • Next Commissioners Meeting is Monday, March 4 at 4pm in the LBT Courtroom
  • First Town-wide Yard Sale, Saturday, May 25 (permit required)
  • HTA Spring Membership Meeting, Saturday, June 8, 10:00am
  • Second Town-wide Yard Sale Saturday, June 29 (permit required)


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January 2024 Newsletter

HTA January 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to 2024 and we wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year! T=
here has been a lot of activity since our November newsletter so let’s jump right in.

January Recap

1. Beach Conditions – Replenishment
2. HTA Membership for 2024
3. LBT Cost-Saving Measures
4. Christmas Tree Pickup
5. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate
6. Tunes By The Dunes 2024
7. Dune Grass Planting
8. Clam Cove Grant
9. Town-wide Yard Sale Dates
10. New Children=E2=80=99s Playground Equipment
11. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations
12. 2024 Water/Sewer Rates
13. Wind Farm Update
14. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
15. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
16. LBI Foundation Science Saturdays
17. Save the Dates


1. Beach Conditions

* Recent storms have continued to erode the dunes in southern Holgate. The Township remains committed to bulldozing sand back up to the dunes during blow-out tides.
* On a positive note, LBI is now first on the Army Corps list for replenishment projects. This is expected to go out for bid this Spring with a projected timeframe for replenishment in the Fall. There is concern that the co=
st of the needed sand is much greater than the allocated Federal funds.
* There is no news about potential State and Federal approvals of the planned groins to better retain our sand.

2. HTA Membership for 2024

* It would be a great help to us if you would renew your membership early in 2024. Not only will this assure your continued receipt of our newsletters and other breaking news communications, you will save our Board members a tremendous amount of time that can be put to other productive activities on your behalf.
* Please sign up online now at: Membership.

3. LBT Cost-Saving Measures

* The Township is continuing to make great strides in saving money as contractor bids are coming in much higher than in the past. Township personnel are already repairing street-end bulkheads and water mains with great success. Next up is the re-siding of the Municipal Building by Township staff. Considerable cost-savings (6 figures) are expected to result.

4. Christmas Tree Pickup

* If the pine needles are falling in your home, the Township will pick up your tree. Please call Public Works at 609-361-6676 to schedule.

5. Possible Multi-Unit Development in Holgate

* There is no update from NJDEP regarding what areas between the Tebco, Newport and Steven streets may be buildable. If you would like to join 200+ neighbors in taking a stand against further open space development in Holgate, please add your name to the letter to the NJDEP by contacting tebcowetland@gmail.com
* Please continue to remember we need the Township to be a willing partner in the protection of this land; it would be highly counterproductive for anyone to publicly speculate that the Township has any other motive.

6. Tunes By The Dunes 2024

* After a successful inaugural season last year, Thursday night Tunes By the Dunes will be back this Summer and musical artists have already been booked. Bring a lawn chair and be sure to tell your friends (and renters).

7. Dune Planting and Dune Grass

* Alliance for a Living Ocean (ALO) and The Surfrider Foundation conducted a second dune grass planting in Holgate on December 30 and we thank them again for supporting our dune preservation work.

8. Clam Cove Grant

* The Township received a grant to create a living shoreline in Clam Cove to better protect against further bay-side erosion.

9. Town-wide Yard Sales

* Saturday dates for these sales have been announced as May 25 and June 29. Rain dates will be the following day.

10. New Children’s Playground

* At the bay beach/tennis court location off Joan Road, the old playground equipment has been removed and new equipment is being installed; should be ready by this week (weather permitting).

11. LBT Budget Meeting with Taxpayer Associations

* At the request of the 6 LBT taxpayer associations, we will be meeting with the Mayor this week to get a preview of this year’s municipal budget. We appreciate this opportunity as it had not been offered in the past. The HTA’s focus will be on long-term, strategic issues that will impact the budget and our taxes.

12. 2024 Water and Sewer Rates

* After analysis of the 2023 data, the Township has indicated that rates are expected to remain the same in 2024.

13. Wind Farm Update

* While Orsted has announced the end of their involvement in the planned wind farms off Atlantic City, LBT is continuing with the lawsuit against the Atlantic Shores wind farm planned off LBI.
* The latest Wind Farm Updates (#19, 20) will be available shortly as we are in the middle of making some changes on the HTA website.

14. Relevant Ordinance Passed on Second Reading

* 23-25C This ordinance clarifies and amends the mixed-use zoning regulations in general commercial and marine commercial zones, specifically about parking and the square footage requirements for residential use.

* Adopted ordinances in the process of being incorporated in the Township’s code can be found here: https://ecode360.com/laws/LO1479

15. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading

* 24-01 NJ Division of Personnel requires that all municipal jobs must have an established salary range and each employee’s salary must fall within the appropriate range. Municipalities are annually required to pass an ordinance that states these ranges and includes any adjustments. This ordinance fulfills that requirement.

* First-reading ordinances are available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting. Find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at http://www.longbeachtownship.com/

16. LBI Foundation Science Saturdays

* Every Saturday from January 20 – April 20. Information about the sessions and no-fee registration at the LBIF Science website https://www.lbifound=ation.org/science . Environmental topics include:

  • Energy, – Not just wind but the blend
  • Sharing the ocean – So many uses!
  • What’s it like to live in the ocean? The challenges for sea creatures
  • The spectacular night sky and how to enjoy it
  • What’s up with the local NJ weather?
  • Screening a great film Deep Rising about extracting and sharing ocean resources

17. Save the Dates

* Next Commissioners meeting is Monday, Feb. 5 at 4pm in the LBT Courtroom.
* First Town-wide Yard Sale, Saturday, May 25 (permit required)
* HTA Spring Membership Meeting, Saturday, June 8, 10:00am
* Second Town-wide Yard Sale Saturday, June 29 (permit required)

June 2023 Newsletter

June Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Trustee Elections
  3. Spring Membership Meeting
  4. Dune Planting
  5. Holgate Spring Cleanup
  6. Wind Farm
  7. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  8. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  9. Community Events
  10. Traffic Cautions
  11. Save the Dates


  1. Beach Conditions
    • The Township has been working hard to create accesses for the beaches that have been hard hit by storms, while also clearing excess sand from the walkways. Please call Public Works if there is an issue with your access.
    • Still awaiting updates on replenishment timing and approval of the steel groins for the south end.
    • The HTA is in the process of installing new “Keep off the Dunes” signs; the dunes are the last line of protection against major storms and some people still need to learn how damaging it is to trespass on the dunes.
  2. Trustee Elections
    • 6 current trustees are up for reelection this Fall plus there is one open seat on the Board. If interested in standing for election as a trustee, you will need to fill out a nominating petition with signatures from ten members (includes you). Please consider joining us in the good work we do for Holgate.
    • Deadline for nominating petitions is on or around August 1 with the election to be held beginning in the first week of September. If interested please reply to this email to set up a phone discussion with Rand Pearsall.
  3. Spring Membership Meeting
    • Our Spring Membership meeting at the Marine Field Station was a big success as we kept having to put out more chairs and the room was full. HTA initiatives for 2023 were shared and the membership approved our operating budget. Special thanks to LBT Sustainability Coordinator Angela Andersen for being our guest speaker and detailing what is being done to restore the bay and protect our coastlines.
  4. Dune Planting
    • On May 20, Denise Brand and Brian Tierney led 10 volunteers in planting the Susan, Magnolia, Tebco and Holgate entrances and new Commissioner Allie Meehan stopped by to see the progress we are making. If your location is not on our list, it is because we are limited by the number of volunteers we have to plant and, more importantly, to water. If you would like to captain an entrance this Fall, please respond to this email and we will reach out to you.
    • Oceanfront owners. Please consider checking out the Susan Avenue dunes besides the walkway. We are demonstrating what can be successfully done with native plants on sand dunes. Once the plants are established (6-8 weeks of watering after going in the ground), they will start to spread with little or no work on your part. This is the ultimate protection for the dune that protects your home and it won’t obstruct your view. The HTA is happy to advise you on how best to go about this.
  5. Spring Cleanup
    • Dan Macone led a group of 24 volunteers on May 27 that picked up trash along the entirety of Holgate. Far fewer plastic bags than in the past which is likely due to the plastic bag ban at stores. We also picked up what we could in Clam Cove, along with taking pictures of larger items (AC compressor, piping, asphalt, etc.) and shared this information with Public Works for future disposal.
  6. Wind Farm
    • The JCTA’s (Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI) latest updates (#12 and #13) of available information will be listed on the homepage of the HTA. These recent reports seek to answer the requests for more information we received from the wind survey and also provide information about the project’s Environmental Impact Study.
    • The Wind Roundup summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the JCTA or the HTA but result from efforts by the JCTA to present as much sourced, and factual data as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. The reports are updated throughout the year based on your questions along with new information. It remains up to you to assess the Roundups and to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
  7. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 23-17C. Corrects an omission in Ordinance 23-16C. Duplexes that are being converted into single family homes need to have 3 parking spaces, a detail that was inadvertently left out of the original ordinance.
    • Adopted ordinances in the process of being incorporated in the Township’s code can be found here: https://ecode360.com/laws/LO1479
  8. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading (None in this meeting)
    • First-reading ordinances are available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting. Find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at www.longbeachtownship.com
  9. Community Events
    • Community Events chair Jeff Lipman has been working closely with the Township to bring outdoor live music back to Holgate. More info to come on this.
  10. Traffic Cautions: Please be aware of the following
    • Yesterday, a young girl on a bicycle was hit by an SUV in Beach Haven. The bicycle was crushed and she was taken to the hospital. Let’s all try to slow down even more and be very aware of bicyclists and pedestrians.
    • There seems to be an increased amount of people running red lights. Please take extra care at intersections, in addition to watching for kids on bikes who do unexpected things.
    • The Township is going to be more aggressive in ticketing slower drivers in the left lane. Please stay to the right unless you are passing or flooding forces you to the left lane.
    • Sandpaper article about Rt. 72 construction
  11. Save The Dates
    • HTA Fall Clean-up (All Island), Saturday, September 9, 10am – noon
    • HTA Fall BBQ and Membership Meeting: Saturday, September 9, 5-7pm
    • Fall Dune Planting (September/October)

Spring 2023 Events

Thanks to all of our volunteers this Spring!

HTA Dune Planting Volunteers

Jeff Lipman
Frank Benintendo
Frank Lowry
Deb Epstein Gross
Patty Latyn
Dianne Elderkin
Kathleen Barone
John Prochazka
Brian Tierney
Denise Brand
Rand Pearsall

HTA Cleanup Volunteers

Chuck Gross
Deb Epstein
Barbara Erben
Chelsea Lipman
Denise Kimball
Jeff Lipman
Brian Tierney
Jim Collery
Rand Pearsall
Dolores Reagan
Frank Benintendo
Dianne McDade
David Tangir
Debbie Burke
Beth Erben
Doug Kimball
Rich Steinbach
Denise Brand
Patty Latyn
Cecilia Vargas
Yanni Kaloudis
Tim Reagan
Dan Singley
Dan Macone

April – May 2023

HTA April-May 2023 Newsletter

As we move into Spring, key issues for your attention are the passing of Commissioner Ralph Bayard, the upcoming Dune Planting on May 20, the May 6 bicycle auction, and a change in the date for the HTA Spring Membership Meeting to June 3.

Please submit your membership form now as this allows us to devote even more time to key activities that benefit Holgate, and you. If you are unsure of your status, reply to this email and we’ll let you know. HTA Membership

April-May Highlights

  1. Condolences
  2. Beach Conditions
  3. Dune Planting
  4. Windmill Survey
  5. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  6. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  7. Beach Badges
  8. LBT Budget
  9. Bike Auction
  10. First Responder Support
  11. Save the Dates


  1. Condolences
    As you may have heard, LBT Commissioner Ralph Bayard passed away on April 26. He was a gentleman and a tremendous public servant with whom we enjoyed working. He will be missed. https://bit.ly/BayardService
  2. Beach Conditions
    Beaches fared fairly well after last weekend’s extending storms. Still no word on replenishment timing and approval of the steel groins for the south end.

  3. Dune Planting
    Date: Saturday, May 20, 10:00am
    Where: Meet at Tebco Terrace entrance for instructions

    This is one of our most important and successful programs but we can only plant where we have access to water and volunteers for watering. We urgently need many more volunteers as follows:

    • Waterers: People who can regularly water the new plantings for 5-6 weeks, otherwise the plants will die.
    • Oceanfront owners: Must be immediately next to beach entryways to provide access to water at house. The HTA will offer reimbursement for water used.
    • Planters: Probably about 2 hours of planting, could be less if many attend

    Please reply to this email by this weekend if you can help with any of the above 3 by clicking on this Evite link: Dune Planting Response

  4. Windmill Survey
    Results from the JCTA member survey on the proposed wind farm off LBI will be released to our members on May 8. As a reminder, this copyrighted survey is intended to reflect current attitudes and should not be used as a referendum on the proposed wind farm.

    The JCTA’s (Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI) latest update (#11) of available information is listed on the homepage of the HTA website and addresses submitted questions. Wind Roundup

    • The Wind Roundup summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the JCTA or the HTA but result from efforts by the JCTA to present as much sourced, and factual data as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. The reports are updated throughout the year based on your questions along with new information. It remains up to you to assess the Roundups and to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
  5. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 23-09C Revises the base charge for water and sewer for duplexes and triplexes in an effort to more closely align that base charge with the base charge paid by owners of single-family homes. Water and sewer combined charge for duplexes in 2023 is reduced from $2,400 per to $1,800; water and sewer combined charge for triplexes in 2023 is reduced from $3,600 to $2,400. Duplex and triplex owners will see a refund for their Q1 overpayment in their Q3 bills.
    • 23-10C Establishes the Township has contracted with a third-party company to handle lead-based paint inspections of certain rental units. Inspections to be paid by the property owner. This inspection only applies to rental properties built before 1978 and rented more than six months per year; it does not apply to short-term rentals.
    • 23-11 Allows LBT to exceed the state-imposed budget cap of 2.5% and increase the budget by up to 3.5% over the prior year, if necessary. It was deemed necessary by LBT due to state-mandated costs.
    • 23-12C Codifies an Emergency Order in place since 2020 which established the midnight to 5 am curfew for people under 18 years of age, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or involved in other specifically defined activities, e.g., engaged in an errand to address a medical emergency.
  6. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
    First-reading ordinances are available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting. Find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at www.longbeachtownship.com

    • 23-13C Pertains to marinas and authorizes on-premise storage of boats and boating equipment, while prohibiting storage of other equipment such as cranes
    • 23-14C Authorizes creation of volunteer EMS support program
    • 23-15C Lowers speed limit to 20 mph year-round on County Road 43 (Beach Avenue). Some sections of these roads will still have a 15 mph speed limit, particularly in-season, so please be sure to obey posted signs.
    • 23-16C Increases requirement for off-street parking. New homes are often built without enough on-premise parking, forcing people to park on the street. Ordinance will require structures up to 3k square feet to be built with 3 parking spaces on property, structures 3k – 4k square feet to have 4 parking spaces, etc.
  7. Beach Badges
    There will be no letter from the Township this year regarding beach badges as all of the information is now on the LBT website, including a downloadable order form. Click on this link to go to the LBT Beach Patrol page. Please note, senior badges will still require an in-person purchase with ID.
  8. LBT Budget
    Commissioner Lattanzi stated that the municipal tax will be increased this year by 4/10 of a cent per $100 of assessed value. The current rate is $.20 per $100 of assessed value, about half of the municipal tax rate charged in Barnegat Light and Ship Bottom.

    Mayor Mancini explained that the Township’s expenses increased by $860,000 this year, driven primarily by a 24% increase in health insurance premiums, a 30% increase in the required pension contributions, and inflation. The municipal tax rate increase will raise a little over $400,000 with the remainder made up from fees and increased rateables from new construction and the recent property re-evaluation.

    The proposed budget is available for inspection at the Municipal Clerk’s office in the LBT Municipal Building or you may view it online at www.longbeachtownship.com. From the website’s home page, click on Government, then Revenue & Finance under Departments, then click on 2023 INTRO BUDGET on the next screen.

    The second reading of the proposed budget and the vote will take place at the May 1 public meeting.

  9. Bike Auction
    The LBT Police Department will hold its annual bike auction on Saturday May 6th at 11am in the parking lot of the LBT Beach Patrol building at 79th Street. You may arrive as early as 10:30 am to inspect the selection. These bikes come from the collection of unclaimed personal property that has been held by the Township for six months or more.
  10. New First Responder Program
    Commissioner Lattanzi announced the creation of a volunteer emergency medical squad support program in coordination with the Beach Haven First Aid Squad (BHFAS). Ten applications for this program have already been received.

    Volunteers accepted into the program complete online emergency medical technician (EMT) training, if they are not already certified, and then they can go out on emergency calls. The program’s volunteers can earn a stipend based on measurable criteria.

    John Pasquale, the program’s new liaison, was introduced. His job is to manage hiring and the training of the volunteers and to work closely with the Township and BHFAS.

    There is also a volunteer driver program (somebody has to drive the ambulance while EMTs prep their equipment en route to an emergency).

    If you are interested in volunteering, email EMT@longbeachtownship.com.

  11. Save The Dates
    • HTA Dune Planting: Saturday, May 20, 10am – noon
    • HTA Spring Clean-up: Saturday, May 27, 9am – noon
    • HTA Spring Membership Meeting: Saturday, June 3, 10am – noon (DATE CHANGE)
    • HTA Fall Clean-up (All Island), Saturday, September 9, 9am – noon
    • HTA Fall BBQ and Membership Meeting: Saturday, September 9, 5-7pm

February – March 2023

HTA February-March 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to Spring and the return of flowers, sunny days and (somewhat) warmer weather!

Please add the Save the Date events located at the bottom of this email to your calendar. We’ve had feedback that you’d like more notice for our events so we are trying to provide as much lead time as possible.

Membership is off to a good start but we’d appreciate if you could be sure to sign up now as this allows us to devote even more time to key activities that benefit Holgate, and you. If you are unsure of your status, reply to this email and we’ll let you know. or click here

February-March Highlights

  1. Condolences
  2. Beach Conditions
  3. Windmill Status
  4. Meet Your Trustees
  5. Relevant Township Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  6. Relevant Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  7. First Responder Support
  8. LBIF Science Saturday Event
  9. Save the Dates


  1. Condolences
    We wanted to share the very sad news that Mayor Mancini’s daughter-in-law Katy passed away on March 5. She leaves her husband Robert, 5-year-old son Ryan, and 2 stepchildren, Paul and Sydney. Katy had also worked in the Township’s tax office.

  2. Beach Conditions
    Beaches look pretty good going into Spring in terms of no additional severe erosion. The Township will still be plowing sand to create the temporary access points for the season. No word yet on replenishment timing and approval of the steel groins for the south end.

  3. Windmill Status
    The JCTA’s (Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI) latest update (#10) of available information is listed on the homepage of the HTA website. The featured topic is about the whales which have been dying and washing up on New Jersey beaches. Click Here

    • The Wind Roundup summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the JCTA or the HTA but are based on efforts by the JCTA to present as much sourced, and factual data as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. The reports are updated throughout the year based on your questions along with new information. It remains up to you to assess the Roundups and to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
    • The JCTA member survey on the proposed wind farm off LBI was fielded in February and results are expected in April. Thank you for the good response rate from Holgate. This survey is intended to reflect current attitudes and should not be used as a referendum on the proposed wind farm.
  4. Meet Your Trustees
    This short movie clip sums up this section: Who Are These Guys?

    We thought you might like to know a little more about the Trustees so we’ve added pictures and bios to the website. Click Here and click on the “Trustees” tab at the top of the page. Spoiler alert: We’re not just “guys” and we’d like to have more women join the Board.

    If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, simply reply to this email and we’ll arrange a short call to discuss. We’ve reached out to several people in the past and hope we haven’t missed anyone who would like to learn more. Please inquire.

  5. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    23-07C Authorizes the creation of two new jobs within the Township: Carpentry Supervisor and Human Resources Coordinator.

  6. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
    First-reading ordinances are available on the LBT website by the Friday following each public meeting. Find them in the LBT Public Meeting Info section within the Government tab under Administration at www.longbeachtownship.com

    • 23-09C Revises the base charge for water for duplexes and triplexes to align with the base water charge paid by owners of single-family homes. The annual base fee for single-family homes remains unchanged at $600 for water and $600 for sewer. Duplexes and triplexes would be charged as follows:
      • There would be just one Water charge ($600 for the year) and sewer would be charged per unit like it has been in the past ($600 per unit). The combined annual base rate for would be $1,800 for duplexes and $2,400 for triplexes.
      • Water and sewer charges for condos would be adjusted according to the size of the unit. Please see the ordinance for more information.
      • This ordinance pertains to base charges. The billing structure for actual water usage (listed below) remains unchanged.
      • The Commissioners stressed that usage will be reviewed each year. Other municipalities report it takes three years of Water usage data before the fee structure stabilizes. We will continue to advocate to have the Water base rate reduced with higher charges for actual usage.
    • 23-10C This ordinance addresses a New Jersey mandate for inspections for lead-based paint in rental dwellings. The requirement for lead-based paint inspections of rental properties only applies to dwellings built before 1978 and rented more than six months per year. It does not apply to dwellings used for short-term rentals. The Township would contract with a third-party company to handle required inspections, which would be paid for by the owner of the rental property.
    • 23-12C This ordinance would codify the midnight to 5 am curfew for young people under 18 years of age currently in place within the Township.
  7. First Responders
    Save the date for the people who save us: Beach Haven’s Volunteer Fire Company will hold a craft beer and foodtruck fest on Saturday, April 29 at 1:00-pm in Veterans Memorial Park.

  8. LBIF Science Saturday Virtual Event
    Darlene Cavalier, a Barnegat Light resident and professor at Arizona State University will give a Zoom talk entitled “Citizen Science, LBI and the LBI Foundation” on Saturday, April 15 at 11am. Register Here

  9. Save The Dates
    • HTA Dune Planting: Saturday, May 20, 10am – noon
    • HTA Spring Clean-up: Saturday, May 27, 9am – noon
    • HTA Spring Membership Meeting: Saturday, June 10, 10am – noon
    • HTA Fall Clean-up (All Island), Saturday, September 9, 9am – noon
    • HTA Fall BBQ and Membership Meeting: Saturday, September 9, 5-7pm


Water Fees
Tracking Your Usage: You can now track your water usage through WaterSmart but you need to register: Register here

Your quarterly water bill will include a base water charge plus an additional charge based on the amount of water you use per quarter. The base water charge covers the Township’s cost of maintaining water service to your property. The schedule below shows the charges per quarter per unit in a residential property.

Base water charge, plus:

0 – 15,000 gallons @ $1 per 1,000 gallons
15,001 – 25,000 gallons @ $2 per 1,000 gallons
25,001 – 50,000 gallons @ $5 per 1,000 gallons
50,001 – 100,000 gallons @ $10 per 1,000 gallons
100,001 – 150,000 gallons @ $13.50 per 1,000 gallons
150,001+ gallons @ $18 per 1,000 gallons

January 2023 Update

HTA January 2023 Newsletter

January has brought a new year and some good news regarding beach replenishment and the launch of the website to track your water usage. Please see below.

Membership is also off to a good start – thank you! Please try to sign up early in the year as this allows us to devote even more resources to key activities that benefit Holgate. Membership Signup

Lastly, a member recently asked us to check with the Township on a specific issue. We are always happy to support our members but will also let you know when it is better to directly phone the correct Township department since you will usually get a faster answer.

January Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Windmill Status
  3. Township Ordinances Approved on Second Reading
  4. Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  5. Water and Sewer Fees
  6. First Responder Support
  7. Science Saturdays


  1. Beach Conditions
    • Federal funding is in place, confirmed by Mayor Mancini and Representative Van Drew’s office. Hopefully it will be enough. Next up: Determining the schedule for replenishment and supporting Mayor Mancini’s efforts to get the steel groin extended as well as adding at least 2 additional groins to the north.
  2. Windmill Status
    • The Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI’s latest update (#9) of available information is listed on the homepage of the HTA website. The featured question is about the eventual cost of electricity from the wind farm. The analysis is complex as it depends on a number of scenarios. As with most things, there is no simple answer here. Wind Update #9
      Please note, these summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the HTA or the JCTA but are the result of efforts by the JCTA to present as much factual and objective information as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. It remains up to you to assess the information to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.

    • A number of whales have beached and died in the Atlantic City area where ocean surveying is taking place. The Federal Government has denied that the use of sonar is the cause of the deaths but there is a great deal of speculation about this issue.
    • The JCTA is planning to conduct a survey among the members of its taxpayer organizations in February. This survey is expected to reflect current attitudes and is not intended to be used as a referendum on the proposed wind farm.
  3. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 22-25C Establishes the new 2023 water and sewer rates (see below) and an increase of $5 in the cost of pre-season and seasonal beach badges.
    • 22-26 This ordinance, required by the State of New Jersey to be passed annually in all municipalities, includes the adjustments to the salary ranges for all LBT employees.
  4. Relevant Ordinances Moved on First Reading (can be found under January 9th public meeting at this location

    • 23-01C This state-mandated ordinance would require all rental units to have the appropriate insurance coverage.
    • 23-02C This state-mandated ordinance would require all rental units to be inspected for lead-based paint by a professional who is authorized to do so. https://bit.ly/SandpaperLBTOrdinances
    • 23-03C Revises the fee schedule for requests for public records under OPRA (Open Public Records Act). Mayor Mancini noted that often a tremendous amount of time is required to prepared the requested documents for release because all information about individuals not involved in the matter must be completely redacted to ensure their privacy.
    • 23-04C In response to complaints about lighting on rooftop decks in particular, this ordinance would regulate that type of illumination with the goal of minimizing or eliminating light disruption experienced by the neighbors.
    • 23-05C Clarifies the installation process for swimming pools & hot tubs.
  5. Water and Sewer Fees
    • Tracking Your Usage: You can now track your water usage through WaterSmart but you need to register: https://www.longbeachtownship.com/watersmart-info/
      WATER: Your quarterly water bill will include a base water charge plus an additional charge based on the amount of water you use per quarter. The base water charge covers the Township’s cost of maintaining water service to your property. The schedule below shows the charges per quarter per unit in a residential property.

      Base water charge $150 per quarter, per single family residence, plus:

      0 – 15,000 gallons @ $1 per 1,000 gallons
      15,001 – 25,000 gallons @ $2 per 1,000 gallons
      25,001 – 50,000 gallons @ $5 per 1,000 gallons
      50,001 – 100,000 gallons @ $10 per 1,000 gallons
      100,001 – 150,000 gallons @ $13.50 per 1,000 gallons
      150,001+ gallons @ $18 per 1,000 gallons

    • SEWER: Billed quarterly at $150 per quarter, for a single-family residence and $300 per quarter for a duplex (two-family residence). This fee is used to pay for the cost of maintenance and repairs in the sewer service. In addition, an annual surcharge of $100 will be collected during 2023 from all properties that used more than 150,000 gallons of water during 2022. A decision about subsequent surcharges will be determined around this time every year to take effect the following year.
  6. First Responder Support
    • Commissioner Lattanzi stated that he and others on the island are addressing the EMS situation and working on solutions. This problem is not only locally challenging, but it is also a major concern state-wide. Discussions focus on the best ways to ensure timely responses to emergency situations by making sure that responding personnel have all the resources they need and that there are enough qualified people available to utilize those resources.
    • Please consider supporting our nearest First Responders this year. Donations are useful but volunteers are at critical level.
      Beach Haven First Aid
      Beach Haven Fire
      Sandpaper Article on First Responders
  7. Science Saturdays
    • Science Saturdays are back at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences (Loveladies) through March 18. During the winter months, Science Saturday lectures focus on a variety of local topics concerning sustainability issues that directly affect our shore community.
    • Offered via Zoom or in-person when noted on the website, Science Saturdays provides interactive hands-on presentations and covers topics including our coast, flooding and resilience, energy and how to get involved. For more information visit https://www.lbifoundation.org/ and click on Science.

December 2022 Update

HTA December 2022 Newsletter

A key highlight this month is the first reading of the proposed ordinance about water and sewer fees for 2023. The Township has worked hard to cover the fixed costs of the system (please remember that all of the infrastructure work is bonded and this is in addition to maintenance costs) while also creating a fee structure that increases water rates as usage increases (heavy users pay more).

Water is sourced from other towns on LBI and sewage treatment is sourced from Ocean County. There have been significant increases in these charges within the last year.

Thank you for the feedback regarding volunteerism. While we have been successful in the past at publicizing dates well in advance of the event, we will try to provide even more notice where possible. Also, we will experiment with other ways of reaching everyone beyond just email and Facebook posts.

With Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanza just around the corner, the HTA Trustees wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy 2023!

December Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Windmill Status
  3. Township Ordinances Approved on Second Reading
  4. Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  5. Water and Sewer Fees
  6. First Responder Support
  7. Vacant Home/Emergency Contact Info


  1. Beach Conditions
    • Please continue to be extra careful if you are going to the beach given the erosion and steep drop-offs. And let’s keep our fingers crossed for a mild winter.
  2. Windmill Status
    • The Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI’s latest update (#8) of available information will be listed on the homepage of the HTA website later this month. Please note, these summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the HTA or the JCTA but are the result of efforts by the JCTA to present as much factual and objective information as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. It remains up to you to assess the information to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
  3. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 22-23C: Clarifies and confirms the flood elevation level in Flood Hazard Protection Area – V, a FEMA classification for coastal areas that are subject to frequent inundation.
    • 22-24C: Proposes a standard way of measuring buildings erected on bayfront lots and lots on lagoons and confirms a maximum height of 34’ for those structures; raises the fee for installing sheds, grade-level decks, pavers and similar construction to $75 from $50.
  4. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
    • 22-25C: Proposes new 2023 water and sewer rates. Each homeowner’s base rate will be $150 per quarter for water and $150 per quarter for sewer (a total of $1,200 per year). Additionally, you will pay for your actual water usage based on a sliding scale of fees starting with the first gallon used each quarter (see #5 below). This ordinance also includes a $5 increase in the cost of pre-season and seasonal beach badges.
    • You can find the ordinance at: Water/Sewer Fees
    • Note: To improve readability, export or save the ordinance as a PDF to your computer, vertically format each page and then save the document.
    • This ordinance will come up for approval on second reading on Monday, December 19 at 4pm in the year-end Commissioners meeting.
  5. Water and Sewer Fees
    • WATER: Your quarterly water bill will include a base water charge plus an additional charge based on the amount of water you use per quarter. The base water charge covers the Township’s cost of maintaining water service to your property. The schedule below shows the charges per quarter per unit in a residential property.
    • Base water charge $150 per quarter, per single-family residence, plus:
      0 – 15,000 gallons @ $1 per 1,000 gallons
      15,001 – 25,000 gallons @ $2 per 1,000 gallons
      25,001 – 50,000 gallons @ $5 per 1,000 gallons
      50,001 – 100,000 gallons @ $10 per 1,000 gallons
      100,001 – 150,000 gallons @ $13.50 per 1,000 gallons
      150,001+ gallons @ $18 per 1,000 gallons
    • SEWER: Billed quarterly at $150 per quarter, for a single-family residence and $300 per quarter for a duplex (two-family residence). This fee is used to pay for the cost of maintenance and repairs in the sewer service. In addition, an annual surcharge of $100 will be collected during 2023 from all properties that used more than 150,000 gallons of water during 2022. A decision about subsequent surcharges will be determined around this time every year to take effect the following year.
    • The app to be able to track your own water usage remains delayed; delivery is expected in April but has been rescheduled several times.
  6. First Responder Support
  7. Vacant Home/Emergency Contact Info
    • The Township police department asks that all homeowners provide emergency contact information, especially if their homes will be vacant in the offseason. Homeowners who are away can request to have their homes checked by the police: LBI Township Forms Online
    • Mayor Mancini also reminded everyone who has not fully winterized their home to be sure to turn off the water if you will be out of the house for any significant time.

November 2022 Update

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The Board would appreciate your feedback. We’ve mentioned a past concern about declining levels of volunteerism and on October 22, we had no one volunteer for the all-island clean-up. We fully understand there are many conflicts in our schedules from kids’ sports to aging parents. But having zero volunteers was a bit of an eye-opener. For reference, another taxpayers association had 45 people; several others had 10-15 volunteers.

Please respond to this newsletter with any suggestions you may have that would increase your volunteerism in Holgate. What can we do to make this a better experience for you?

November Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Beach Replenishment Petition
  3. Windmill Status
  4. Holgate Water Treatment Plant
  5. Elections: Trustees and Officers
  6. Water and Sewer Fees
  7. Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  8. Township Ordinances Approved on Second Reading
  9. Holiday Lights
  10. Building a Board that is Active
  11. Lighthouse International Film Festival Special Offer – Deadline Dec. 1


  1. Beach Conditions
    • The Township has been busy plowing sand back up to the dunes to create a slope that will hopefully see less erosion. Unfortunately, there is poor beach access due to the storms this fall and big drop-offs exist at several beach entrances. Please be extra careful if you are going to the beach.
  2. Beach Replenishment Petition
    • After consultation with both current and former Congressional representatives, we are working on a petition to request full funding for needed replenishment on LBI. It is disturbing to learn that while funds were allocated by the House in the Army Corps budget or the next fiscal year, these funds have already been significantly reduced by the Senate. We are in discussions with Representative Van Drew’s office and Mayor Mancini on next steps.
    • Long Beach Township has also hired a lobbying firm to support the need for replenishment funding
  3. Windmill Status
    • You can find the Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI’s latest update (#7) of available information listed on the homepage of the HTA website. Please note, these summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the HTA but are the result of efforts by the JCTA to present as much factual and objective information as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. It is up to you to assess the information to come to an informed conclusion about the planned project.
  4. Holgate Water Treatment Plant Project
    • The water treatment plant located between Pershing and Roosevelt will be updated. Commissioner Bayard has said the overall footprint of the plant would not be increased. The HTA has seen the plans at Town Hall and discussed this with LBT. Two of the buildings will be moved slightly, raised and pitched roofs will be added essentially making the buildings 3 stories tall. Plans can be viewed at Town Hall.
  5. Fall Elections
    • Officers: The Board elected officers in our November meeting. Rand Pearsall, Bill Cannon and Bob White were elected to serve new two-year terms as president, treasurer, and recording secretary, respectively.
  6. Water and Sewer Fees
    • The Township is working on finalizing the base fee and usage rates for 2023. We expect these will be announced as a first reading ordinance at the December 5 Commissioners meeting.
    • The app to be able to track your own water usage has again been delayed and delivery is now anticipated in April – fingers crossed.
  7. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
    • 22-23C: Clarifies and confirms the flood elevation level in Flood Hazard Protection Area – V, a FEMA classification for coastal areas that are subject to frequent inundation
    • 22-24C: Proposes a standard way of measuring buildings erected on bayfront lots and lots on lagoons and confirms a maximum height of 34’ for those structures; raises the fee for installing sheds, grade-level decks, pavers and similar construction to $75 from $50
  8. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
    • 22-22C: Establishes a minimum height of 5’ above mean sea level for all new and replacement bulkheads at marinas and on landlocked lagoons in the marine commercial zone
  9. Holiday Lights
    • If you have been on the Island since before Thanksgiving, we hope you enjoyed the lights that help bring some holiday cheer to Holgate. HTA VP Dan Macone added two new lights this year. Special thanks to Long Beach Township which installs, takes down and stores the lights for us each season.
  10. Building a Board that is Active
      The HTA and other LBI taxpayer associations attended a meeting sponsored by the Southern Ocean Chamber of Commerce. Based on available metrics, the HTA appears to be a well-functioning board and organization but we did note some potential areas of improvement.
  11. Lighthouse International Film Festival Offer – Deadline Dec. 1
    • The LIFF is offering all members of LBI taxpayer & property owners associations a discount on Full-Access and Film-Only passes to be used during the June 2023 film festival:
      • $110 for a Full-Access Pass ($150 regular price)
      • $89 for a Films Only Pass (regular price $115).
    • A LIFF ALL ACCESS PASS is your ticket to a 5-day cinematic experience on LBI. The 16th annual Lighthouse International Film Festival includes award-winning, independent films from around the world, 2 “Breakfast with the Filmmakers” events, priority entry master classes, panel discussions, and evening party and Awards Ceremony
    • A FILM ONLY PASS is your pass to a weekend of award-winning films. Catch every flick for 5 days. A film buff’s delight. Priority seating, Q&As, Panel Discussions and master classes.
    • This special discount expires on Dec. 1 so make your purchase today and join us for amazing films, stimulating discussions, and fun on LBI. To take advantage of this special offer:

      Click here for TAXPAYERS’ 2023 ALL ACCESS PASS
      Click here for TAXPAYERS’ 2023 FILM ONLY PASS
      Register/Sign In
      Select number of passes and click “Add to Cart”
      Click “Checkout”
      Type in your payment information and click “Complete Purchase.” If asked for code use TAXPAYERS
      If you have any questions or concerns please email – liffinfo@gmail.com

HTA September/October 2022 Newsletter

HTA September/October 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to Fall 2022 where storms have already severely impacted our beaches; on the plus side mild weather is still with us. Hopefully the re-emerging old stone jetties will hold onto more of the sand this winter.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please come out and support the All-Island Beach/Bay Cleanup on Saturday, October 22 from 9am-noon. The storms have deposited a lot of plastic on the beaches. This is in partnership with Alliance for Living Ocean, Clean Ocean Action along with most of the LBI taxpayer associations. We will meet at the Tebco Terrace Beach entrance at 9am. You should bring gloves and a bucket to pick up trash. HTA will provide water and long-handled pickers for the kids. See flyer at bottom of this email.

September/October Highlights

  1. Beach Conditions
  2. Fall Membership Meeting/BBQ
  3. Windmill Status
  4. Holgate Water Treatment Plant
  5. Elections: Trustees and Officers
  6. Dune Planting
  7. Dune Planting Water Needs
  8. Dune Grass
  9. Adopt-A-Trap
  10. Holgate Refuge Clamming Trail and Rules Reminder
  11. Township Ordinances Moved on First Reading
  12. Township Ordinances Approved on Second Reading
  13. Grants Received by Township


  1. Beach Conditions
  2. • The remnants of Hurricane Ian still managed to do a number on LBI beaches and this was definitely true in Holgate. Southern Holgate saw increased dune damage and the return of 10-15’ cliffs. Northern Holgate didn’t have dune damage but lost a significant amount of sand. Much of the sand from our beaches appears to be just offshore in a large sandbar so hopefully it will come back. But the Township will need to be busy again with plows in the Spring.

  3. Fall Membership Meeting/BBQ
  4. • The annual Fall meeting was a great success with at least 75 people in attendance in Bond’s Park. The HTA provided updates on key issues, followed by more than an hour of Q&A.

  5. Windmill Status
  6. • The latest updates (#5 and #6) of available information from the Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations of LBI will be posted soon on the homepage of the HTA website. Please note, these summaries do not represent any formal position on the part of the HTA but are the result of efforts by the JCTA to present as much factual and objective information as possible so that people are better educated about the wind projects. One caveat to keep in mind is that much of the information that is specifically related to the fields closest to LBI is coming from directly from Atlantic Shores (LBI wind farm), Ocean Wind (Atlantic City wind farm), the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), or studies which have been commissioned by these parties. As such, it is up to you to assess if you feel there is any bias or vested interest in information provided by Atlantic Shores, Ocean Wind and BOEM.
    • The Township has included a link on its home page to the petition started by Save Long Beach Island in opposition to the Atlantic Shores project. In addition, the Township has indicated it may donate funding to this effort (possibly as much as $25k).

  7. Holgate Water Treatment Plant Project
  8. • Unfortunately, it remains unclear what the specific plans are to update the water treatment plant located between Pershing and Roosevelt. Commissioner Bayard has said the footprint of the plant would not be increased but the building has to be raised. The HTA has asked for more specific information (how high will the structure be; are the 3 building structures on the property being combined; will noise increase). As of the October commissioners meeting, the design plans had not been submitted to the Township for review and the Mayor deferred comment until he has seen them.

  9. Fall Elections
  10. • Trustees: Art Levy and Jeff Lipman received overwhelming approval from the membership and will begin their two-year terms as trustees.
    • Officers: The Board will elect officers in our November meeting. Rand Pearsall, Bill Cannon and Bob White have agreed to stand for election as president, treasurer and recording secretary, respectively.

  11. Dune Planting
  12. • Plants were put in the ground at Susan, Tebco, Scott, and Holgate. We continue to have the budget to plant much more than this and at many other locations, but are severely limited by a shortage of watering volunteers.

  13. Dune Planting Water Needs
  14. • Anyone who can help with watering the new plants on a regular basis (45 minutes/day, every 1-2 days when it does not rain), please reply to this email.

  15. Dune Grass
  16. • Dune grass is available at the LBT Municipal Yard. HTA Trustee Bill Hutson led a squad of local Boy Scouts to put grass in on some of the hard-hit southern Holgate dunes this past weekend.

  17. Adopt-A-Trap
  18. • Please bear with us as we work through the details of this new program. We are thankful that many people have volunteered and Bill Hutson’s team is working towards getting as many greenhead traps as possible placed with homeowners. Special thanks to Joe Chieffo for leading the effort on the north end of Holgate.

  19. Holgate Refuge Clamming Trail and Rules Reminder
  20. • From Virginia Rettig, Forsythe Refuge Manager: Please check out the Clamming Trail, which is about 1/3 of the way down the beach. It is a great opportunity to see the back bays of our site, go clamming, or take a look at the refuge’s birds.
    • It is very important that we are respectful of the Refuge and obey all posted signage. One important rule is that no dogs are permitted on the site at any time, which even includes being in cars or trucks. Unfortunately, dogs create a lot of disturbance to all wildlife and any birds that are forced to fly away are wasting much-needed energy. The area where this regulation is enforced is to the south of the small beach below the steel jetty, where the refuge boundary is located and clearly marked.

  21. Relevant Ordinance Moved on First Reading
  22. • 22-22C: Limits height requirement for commercial marina bulkheads

  23. Relevant Ordinances Passed on Second Reading
  24. • 22-20C: Establishes set-backs for air conditioning units and other such equipment
    • 22-21C: Prohibits carrying guns into government buildings (including the LBT municipal building), in parks and on beaches in LBT

  25. Grants Received by Township
  26. • The Township, especially Angela Andersen, does an excellent job in applying for grants which fund projects that would otherwise impact our tax base. One such grant was received from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in the amount of $87k which is intended to protect Clam Cove through the creation of a living shoreline.