Thank you to everyone who has submitted their membership forms. We are ahead of last year’s record pace with big plans for 2021.
- May 22 — Spring Dune Planting (morning)
- May 29 — Spring Clean-up (morning)
- Beaches: The Township has made a tremendous effort on Beaches 3 and 4 trucking in sand and plowing it back up to the dune. This has been done much earlier than in past years so let’s hope for a mild Spring storm season.
- Dune Trespassing: We’ve had a number of reports of people sliding down and walking on the repaired dunes. Just as disturbing was their rude response when one of our residents has politely informed them not to do so. The HTA has formally requested more enforcement from the Township, including the issuance of costly fines. The Township also asked for any identifying photo or video that can be used to enforce the law since the trespassers have often left the area by the time the police arrive.
- Offshore Wind Farms: Registration information for the public hearings about Ocean Wind (this is the wind farm off the coast of Atlantic City, not LBI). They are hosted by BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management). The final hearing will be April 20 and will provide good background on these projects: Public Hearing Registration
- Spring Membership Meeting: Town Hall is reopening to the public in May and may be available to us for our meeting in early June (usually a Saturday morning). But we are still unsure how many members will be vaccinated. Please respond if you would rather have the meeting A) In person or B) Via Zoom.
- Coyotes: The trapping program has been completed so please notify the Township or the HTA if there are any sightings in Holgate. Try to get a photo or video if possible. Until we are sure they are gone, continue to seal your garbage, don’t put out food for cats, keep dogs on a leash and most important be very aware when outside with small children. While coyotes are generally thought to be afraid of humans, it is important to take every precaution.
- Trash Ordinance: The Township passed the ordinance affecting how we put out trash and recyclables but clarified this is only for homes WITHOUT a trash corral. If you don’t have a corral, the new ordinance requires you to put trash out no earlier than sunset the night before pickup. This means you have to store the trash in sealed containers at other times in your home, backyard or garage.
- Sign Ordinance: Also approved is a new ordinance that will eliminate the various “For Rent” signs in front of homes. The rationale is these have proliferated and are largely unnecessary with the shift to online listings. Signs can still be placed in windows.
- Dune Plantings: 2021 will be a huge push for the largest dune planting in our history. This is because of the continued erosion of the dunes and the added cost of water when the meters go into effect in 2022. We need everyone to consider volunteering to plant this Spring.
- Support the Food Pantry and Local Restaurants: We expect the demand for food will continue among local families who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. The Joint Council of Taxpayers Associations was recognized in the Sandpaper for contributing $10,000 last year. Please continue to donate to the Food Pantry at St. Francis while also supporting our local restaurants which are likely LBI’s largest source of employment. St. Francis Food Pantry
- Fire Inspection: A reminder to schedule your Ocean County Fire Inspection. This has to be done annually if you rent out your home. Ocean County Fire Inspection
- Water Meters: If you haven’t purchased one, you should expect to receive a summons. If you purchased but have not activated, the Township urges you to do so ASAP.
- Vaccinations: According to Dr. Lattanzi, Southern Ocean Medical Center has a better supply than the LBI Health Department if you are trying to be vaccinated.
On behalf of the HTA trustees, we are looking forward to seeing everyone this Spring for the dune planting and clean-up. Everything is outdoors and distanced, so it will be safe. And we need a lot of volunteers, especially this year (separate sign-up email to follow in the next few weeks).