The monthly meeting for the Township was held February 4.
Water Bills. When we receive our next water bill, there will be 3 enclosures:
Notice regarding water meters. 2,000 have been received and the rest should be coming in shortly. It will be up to the home owner to pick them up and then have a plumber install them. The average cost “should be around” $250.00 for the water meter but that is not written in stone. Commercial businesses already have water meters but will have to purchase a transponder.
The re-evaluation is still happening. The County has asked for more information regarding the tax maps which have been sent. As soon as they are approved by the County, the re-evaluation will start.
New Jersey is now requiring that all rental properties be inspected by the Fire Marshall with an “estimated” cost of $125.00 per unit.
Bayview Park Accessibility. The Township has built a dock/pier at Bayview Park for use by those with disabilities. It will also have 7 handicap parking spaces. Since some of the parking spaces will be in wetlands there was negative reaction from the large crowd at the meeting. Some individuals suggested there are numerous parking spaces within a block or two of the pier and that people could use beach wheels to get to the dock from these spaces. This appears to undermine the purpose of the handicap parking spaces. These individuals also asked for a special meeting when the residents from 66th Street (the area adjoining this project) get back on the Island to come up with another solution. Mayor Mancini told them that they will have 30 days to email back their concerns, and that those concerns would then be sent to the County. This will begin another 30 day period to contact the County with concerns.
Lifts. The lifts at 119th Street and 131st street are being renovated.
Wooden Jetty Replacement. Phase 1 for the new groin should be completed on deadline. The larger groin (Phase 2) will probably not start for at least 2 years. The Preserve is reported to be in agreement but it may be difficult to obtain approval from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Budget constraints will limit the amount of sand that can be added after the groin is completed (most of the budget for sand was used to protect the beach prior to groin installation) but the natural return of sand during the Spring combined with the drift of sand from the north is expected to contribute to better beaches.
Shuttle Buses. Pricing for the shuttle buses will be $2.00 per ride, or $5.00 daily; the Township has not determined a price for a seasonal pass. They are also working with Stafford’s Mayor to establish a bus route from the mainland which will help bring people (needed summer employees) to the Island who have no other way of getting here.